The second workshop of the project COLINDA held on Lastovo
The second workshop of the project „Transformations of the Collective and Individual Identities in the Dubrovnik Republic from the Late Middle Ages until the Nineteenth Century“, (COLINDA), financed by the Croatian science foundation, was held on the island of Lastovo on 11-12 September...
Seminar on the production of scientific text and networking in sciences
Today in the Institute for historical sciences of CASA in Dubrovnik the Academician Nenad Vekarić lead the Seminar on the production of scientific text and networking in sciences. The seminar was held within the framework of the project „Transformations of the Collective and Individual Identities in the Dubrovnik Republic from the Late Middle Ages until the Nineteenth Century“, (COLINDA), financed by the Croatian science...
Presentation of the project COLINDA
We are cordially inviting the interested public to the presentation of the latest results of the project „Transformations of the Collective and Individual Identities in the Dubrovnik Republic from the Late Middle Ages until the Nineteenth Century“. The presentation will be coordinated by the Academician Nenad Vekarić, the head of the project and the director of the Institute for historical sciences of CASA in Dubrovnik. It will be...
World anthropologies and privatization of knowledge: engaging anthropology in public
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) held an inter-congress in Dubrovnik from 4 May till 9 May 2016 entitled World anthropologies and privatization of knowledge: engaging anthropology in public. Within the main track World anthropologies: peripheries strike back, and as a contribution to the ongoing research project HRZZ 5106 (COLINDA), the panel Spiritual kinship in the European peripheries...
Lovro Kunčević received the award ”Mirjana Gross” for the best book in 2015
Lovro Kunčević, research associate at the Institute for historical sciences of CASA in Dubrovnik, has received the award ”Mirjana Gross” for the best history book in 2015 for his monograph Mit o Dubrovniku. Diskursi o identitetu renesansnog grada (The Myth of Ragusa. Discourses on the collective identity of a renaissance city). The award is given by the Croatian national board for historical sciences and the Society for...