Ivana Lazarević Vukovac

Ivana Lazarević Vukovac (*23.1.1973, Dubrovnik) is a senior research associate at the Institute for Historical Studies of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik. She graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb and obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Zagreb (2012). The title of her dissertation was Patrician Houses in the City of Dubrovnik in 1817. She worked in State Archives in Dubrovnik as Head of Information Centre (1999-2011). In 2011 she joined the Institute for Historical Studies of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik. Since 2022, she has been working as the manager of the Baltazar Bogišić Collection in Cavtat.
She participated in several research projects organized by the University of Dubrovnik and the Institute for Historical Studies of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik. Also, she was a team member of two projects financed by Croatian Science Foundation: Transformations of the Collective and Individual Identities in the Dubrovnik Republic from the Late Middle Ages until the Nineteenth Century – COLINDA (2013-2018) and Cities of the Croatian Middle Ages: Urban Elites and Urban Space – URBES (2014-2019).
She is a member of the Croatian Anthropological Society, member of the Board of “Matica hrvatska Dubrovnik”, member of Croatian National Committee of Historical Sciences, member of the European Society of Historical Demography and member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku and Dubrovnik Annals.
Vlasteoske kuće u gradu Dubrovniku 1817. godine. Zagreb-Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 2014.
Bibliografija časopisa “Dubrovnik” : nova serija 1990.-2004. : s dodatkom Bibliografija knjiga u izdanju Matice hrvatske Ogranka Dubrovnik, 1991.-2004. [i] Bibliografija časopisa “Dubrovnik”, 1985.-1990. Dubrovnik: Matica hrvatska – Ogranak Dubrovnik, 2005.
Ipšić, Irena, Ivana Lazarević i Vedran Stojanović. »Informal Power Structures and Godparent Networks of the Ragusan Nobility in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century.« Dubrovnik annals 21 (2017), 31–46.
Lazarević, Ivana. »Nekretnine dubrovačke vlastele u oporukama od 1750. do 1815. godine u Dubrovniku.« Povijesni prilozi 51 (2016): 197–222.
Koncul, Antun, Radmila Šutalo i Ivana Lazarević. »Povratnici pred Kaznenim sudom: slučajevi obitelji Valjalo.« Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku 54/1 (2016): 227-246.
Kralj-Brassard, Rina; Ipšić, Irena; Lazarević, Ivana. »Godparents Network of the Dubrovnik Foundlings (17th-19th centuries).« Annales de démographie historique 130/2 (2015): 161-185.
Lazarević, Ivana. »Spatial Distribution of Patrician Houses in the City of Dubrovnik According to the Census of 1817.« Dubrovnik annals 19 (2015): 123-142.
»Antuninske kuće u gradu Dubrovniku prema popisu stanovništva iz 1817. godine.« Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku 52/1 (2014): 291-315.
»Granice dubrovačkih seksterija.« Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku 50 (2012): 63-74.
»Blok omeđen ulicama od Puča, Pracatovom, Između polača i Božidarevićevom u popisu stanovništva 1817. godine.« (Houses between Od Puča street, Između polača and Nikola Božidarević Street in 1817 census), u: Kultura Srba u Dubrovniku 1790-2010, prir. Goran Spajić, Jelica Reljić i Miroslav Perišić. Dubrovnik – Beograd: Srpska pravoslavna crkva u Dubrovniku i Arhiv Srbije, 2012.
»Može li studij biti san?« Okrugli stol “Nova dubrovačka historiografija: dr. sc. Nenad Vekarić i suradnici”, zbornik radova. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2011: 41-44.
»Stanovništvo Blata na Korčuli (1870-1880): početak demografske tranzicije.« Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku 47 (2009): 219-241 (koautor: Nenad Vekarić).
»Arhivi i korisnici – stanje i mogućnosti državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku.« II. Kongres hrvatskih arhivista: Arhivi i društvo – izazovi suvremenog doba. Dubrovnik – Zagreb: Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku – Hrvatsko Arhivističko društvo, 2005).