Marinko Marić
Marinko Marić (*1971, Donji Brštanik–Hodovo) participates in the research projects/is a member of several research projects of the Institute for Historical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik. He graduated from the Maritime Management at the University of Dubrovnik and obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Zagreb and University of Dubrovnik (2014). The title of his dissertation was Population of The Parish Ravno 1804-1918. During the Homeland War (1992-1996) he worked in the Croatian Army and the Judiciary Police. Since 1996 until 1998 he has led a digitalization project of the archival materials from the Monastery of the Friars Minor in Dubrovnik. After that he worked in Dubrovački list and Inpex Ltd. In 2007 he started to work in a company Dokument IT Ltd. Zagreb. He has been employed at University of Dubrovnik since Juny 2017.
Since 2009 until 2011 he has led a register digitalization project of the Dubrovnik Diocese and since 2011 he is the President of the Croatian Cultural Society Napredak-Dubrovnik. He is also a Member of the Croatian Register, and the Croatian Anthropological Society, as well as the Head of the cultural event Days of Christian Culture in Dubrovnik (since 2006.) and a member of the editorial board of the Corpus of Hum. He participated in the international conferences (Cres and Mostar, Croatia, 2011) and several research projects organized by the Institute for Historical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik and the University of Dubrovnik.
»Traditional Marriage and the Role of Witnesses in the Parish of Ravno in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.« Dubrovnik Annals 21 (2017): pp. 73-95 (co-author: Rina Kralj-Brassard).
»Od Glumine do Ljutaca: genealogija roda Pažin- Marijanović« (From Glumina to Ljuca: genealogy of family Pažin-Marijanović), in U njegovoj se blizini moglo rasti, ed. Maja Prskalo. Mostar-Stolac-Neum: Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Matica hrvatska, ogranak Stolac, Muzej i galerija Neum, 2017: pp. 11-38.
»Depopulacija hrvatskog stanovništva u BiH tijekom 20. stoljeća: utjecaj ratova i izbjeglištva na primjeru katoličke župe Stjepan Krst« (The depopulation of the Croatian inhabitants in BiH during the 20th century: the impacts of wars and refugees in the case of the Catholic parish of Stjepan Krst), Motrišta 93-94 (2017): pp. 55-71.
»Obitelj Nikole Boškovića u spisima Kaznenog suda u Dubrovniku (The Family of Nikola Bošković in the Records of the Criminal Court in Dubrovnik).« Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU 54/1 (2016): 171-194 (co-author: Rina Kralj-Brassard).
»Matične knjige župe Dubrave 1708.-1946.: izgubljeni svjedoci naše prošlosti« (Registers of the parish od Dubrave from 1708-1946: the lost witnesses of our past), Hercegovina: časopis za kulturno i istorijsko nasljeđe 1(26) (2015): pp. 299-310.
Stanovništvo Popova u Hercegovini: Ravno. (Population of Popovo in Herzegovina: Ravno) Zagreb-Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 2015.
»Stanovništvo i rodovi naselja župe Stjepan Krst od 1468. godine do kraja 20. stoljeća« (The population and families of the settlements of the parish of Stjepan Krst from 1468 to the end of the 20th century), in Župa Stjepan Krst (1974.-2014.), ed. Marinko Marić. Stolac-Neum-Dubrovnik: Muzej i galerija Neum, Matica hrvatska, ogranak Stolac i Hrvatsko kulturno društvo Napredak-Dubrovnik, 2014: 175-317.
»Katoličko stanovništvo i rodovi Orahova Dola i Zavale: Rod Ruđera Josipa Boškovića« (Catholic Population and Families of Orahov Do and Zavala: Family of Ruđer Josip Bošković), in Od Dubrave do Dubrovnika, ed. Ivica Puljić. Dubrovnik-Neum: Hrvatsko kulturno društvo Napredak-Dubrovnik i Muzej Neum, 2011.
»Katoličko stanovništvo župe Stolac 1864. godine« (Catholic Population of Parish Stolac 1864). Stolačko proljeće 8 (2010): 63-74.
»Na pragu demografske tranzicije: Stanovništvo Biska u Cetinskoj krajini (1870-1880)« (The Beginning of Demographic Transition: The Population of Bisko in the Cetina Region (1870-1880). Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku 47 (2009): pp. 171-194 (co-author Anđelko Akrap).