Marija Gjurašić
Marija Gjurašić, born in Dubrovnik (1959), is senior lecturer at the University in Dubrovnik. She gratuated from the Department of German Studies at the Univeristy of Sarajevo (1995) and obtained PhD from the University of Zagreb and University of Dubrovnik (2013). The title of her dissertation was The district of Babino Polje on the island of Mljet according to Austrian cadastre of Francis I from 1837. She researched in the archives in Croatia (Dubrovnik, Split, Zagreb) and Austria (Vienna), and attended congresses in Greece, Romania, Austria and Croatia. She participated in several research projects organized by the University of Dubrovnik and the Institute for Historical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik. She is a member of the Croatian Anthropological Society and the Croatian National Committee of Historical Sciences and is fluent in German and English with a working knowledge of French, Dutch and Italian. Her main fields of interest are: cadastre, landowner and colonate relations; economic, fiscal and administrative history of Dalmatia; onomastics; demographics; family history.
»Gospodarska slika Mljeta u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća prema podacima iz austrijskog katastra Franje I. uspostavljenoga na otoku 1836. godine.« Povijesni prilozi 45 (2013): 135 – 193.
»The Impact of Technology on the Development of Tourism in South Croatia in the Beginning of the 20th Century.« (koautor: Marija Benić Penava) in: Technology in times of transition: the 41st ICOHTEC Symposium, Transilvania University of Braşov. Helerea, Elena; Cionica, Marina; Ivănoiu, Mircea (ed). Braşov: Editura Universităţii Transilvania: 135-144.
»Mljetska bolest (Mal de Meleda): Promjene identiteta bolesti tijekom povijest.«, Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica 8/1 (2010): 17-58.
»Zakašnjela demografska tranzicija: stanovništvo Lisca u Dubrovačkom primorju (1870-1880).« (koautori: Minela Fulurija, Nenad Vekarić) u: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku 47 (2009): 337-361. objavljeno i u: Vekarić, Nenad; Vranješ-Šoljan, Božena. Početak demografske tranzicije u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb-Dubrovnik (2009): 337-361.
»Zemljišna izmjera i ustroj Stabilnoga katastra Franje I. u Dalmaciji prema Carevu patentu iz 1817. godine i Katastarskome i mjerničkome naputku iz 1820. godine.« Povijesni prilozi 46(2014): 287-356.