Antun Koncul
Antun Koncul was born 1988 in Dubrovnik. He graduated in history in 2011 from the Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb. In that same year he enrolled in the postgraduate doctoral studies History of Population in Dubrovnik. From 2011 he is employed in the Archives of Dubrovnik Diocese. He is participating in several research projects organized by the University of Dubrovnik and the Institute for Historical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik.
»Majkovi u srednjem vijeku.« Starohrvatska prosvjeta 39 (2012): 221-235. (u koautorstvu s Vinicijem B. Lupisom i Đivom Sjekavicom).
»Nakon četiri stoljeća.« Stolačko kulturno proljeće VIII. Stolac, Matica Hrvatska-ogranak Stolac: 2010.